How to Create a European 6-in-1 Chainmaille Weave


Step 1
Linked jump rings

Pass an open jump ring through six closed jump rings. Lay the rings down as shown.

Step 2
Linked jump rings

Place two closed jump rings over the bottommost jump rings of the weave.

Step 3
Linked jump rings

Tip: The ring added in this step runs under the jump ring added in Step 1.

Pass an open jump ring through the rightmost ring placed in Step 2 and the two bottom-right rings of the weave. Then pass through the bottom-left rings of the weave and the leftmost ring placed in Step 2 and close.

Continue adding rings in this manner until the chain is the desired length.

Note: The weave can now have a clasp added to complete the project. To widen the weave continue to the next step.

Step 4
Linked jump rings

Lay two lengths of 6-in-1 weave on the work space as shown.

Step 5
Linked jump rings

Pass an open jump ring down through the three uppermost right jump rings of the left segment, then pass up through the three uppermost left jump rings of the other segment and close.

Continue adding rings in this manner until the segments have been joined together.

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