Linda Vizcaino-Rivera Meet the Designer-Artist

Where do you live?

I live in New Jersey.

Describe your artistic style.

My artistic style is one of a classic but very fashion-forward style with a hint of sassiness mixed in. I love color, I love beauty, I love fashion! In a sense I believe my artistic style is stylish and attractive--so that would make me: "Snazzy."

What inspires you as a designer-artist?

What has inspired me the most are my daughters. At a very young age, they both possess a knack for creativity and style all their own. This helps me when I decide on styles that I want to create. They inspire me to create beautiful, stylish jewelry.

What materials do you most enjoy working with?

I enjoy working very much with beads and satin ribbon. Satin gives the design/style such a chic appeal so that it can be worn dressed up or down.

What is the name of the piece you submitted with your success story?

Live, Laugh, Love!

What inspired this design?

This design was inspired by words I sincerely like to live by and surround myself with: Live well, Laugh often and Love much! I designed this piece to wrap around the wrist several times with charms of Live, Laugh, Love dangling around it.

How did it come together?

This piece came about on a day I was just trying to figure out what to do with the jewelry wire and silver tube beads I had purchased. I wanted to create a bangle but instead--this amazing piece came to be.

When and how did you begin making jewelry/beading?

I began handcrafting jewelry June of 2012. It all began as a play of yarn and pony beads with my youngest daughter.

Who introduced you to beading?

I would have to say my youngest daughter intrigued me into beading bracelets. As on the day we played with yarn and pony beads she asked that I make her one and from there on I believe I found my passion for handcrafting beaded jewelry.

Do you have an artistic background?

I don't specifically have an educational artistic background. I do have a creative side though, as I very much enjoy doing crafty things such as: Candle making, sewing, crocheting, scrapbooking, and even photography.

How did you discover Fire Mountain Gems and Beads®?

I discovered Fire Mountain Gems and Beads through a Sales Associate in a Michaels store as I was looking for different beading materials. She highly recommended this website.

What other hobbies do you have?

I enjoy candle making, scrapbooking, sewing, crocheting, writing poetry, journaling and almost anything that allows me to be creative.

What role does jewelry-making play in your life?

At the moment, I am a stay-at-home Mom. I began creating handcrafted bracelets approximately 3 months ago and now have over 160 pieces. I never knew that I could or would enjoy creating beautiful pieces of jewelry. Hence, the name given to my jewelry business: Created by Grace Designs.

If you used jewelry-making as a way to bring in income, how are you selling yourself and your jewelry?

I sell my items to friends and family. I also created an online store. I will participate in my first craft show this November. I also use social networking as a way to advertise. I have a page on Facebook, Instagram and started to create boards on Pinterest.

Any advice for aspiring jewelry-artists?

Stay focused, encourage yourself and don't give up. Although I am just starting out in this, I try to look at the big picture and aim towards the goal I wish to accomplish. All successes don't happen overnight, therefore, we must keep on doing what we love. Creating, creating and more creating for the love of it.